Abbreviation Definition
AILSAgency for International Language Study
AIMLArtifical Intelligence Markup Language
AIMLArtificial Intelligence Markup Language
AIMLArtificial Intelligence Modelling Language
AISLAmerican Indian Sign Language
AISLArgentina Improving Spanish Language
AJLAAndrew Jackson Language Academy
AKLAndorra Kernel Language
AKLEIAssociation of Korean Language Educators in India
ALAAssociation for Language Awareness
ALANAssembly on Literature for Adolescents of NCTE
ALAPAwarding Language Acquisition for Professionals
ALASAmerican Literature Abuse Society
ALASAAfrican Language Association of Southern Africa
ALASPAction Languages Answer Sets and Planning
ALATArmy Language Aptitude Test
ALCAllWorld Language Consultants
ALCAmerican Language Center
ALCAssessment of Language Competence
ALCAssociation of Language Companies

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