Abbreviation Definition
ATRAmericans for Tax Reform
ATRMAmerican Tax Reduction Movement
ATROSAfter Tax Return on Sales
ATTAssociation of Tax Technicians
ATTDAlcohol and Tobacco Tax Division
ATTISAnalysis of Transfers Taxes and Income Security
ATUAlcohol Tax Unit
ATWaverage tax wedge
ATYAfter Tax Yeild
BATLBonus And Tax Loan
BCTTBanking Cash Transaction Tax
BCTTBanking Cash Transactions Tax
BDBreach of Duty
BEFITBusiness in Europe Framework for Income Taxation
BEPSBase Erosion and Profit Shifting
BETBBusiness Entities Tax Bureau
BETOBureau of Employer Tax Operations
BFITBefore Federal Income Tax
BFTCBeginning Farmer Tax Credit

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