Abbreviation Definition
AJACAmerican Journal of Algorithms and Computing
AJACAmerican Journal of Analytical Chemistry
AJACAmerican Journal of Applied Chemistry
AJACAsian Journal Applied Communications
AJACAsian Journal of Applied Communication
AJADAsian Journal of Agriculture and Development
AJAEAmerican Journal of Agricultural Economics
AJAEAustralian Journal of Adult Education
AJAHAmerican Journal of Ancient History
AJALArab Journal of Applied Linguistics
AJALArgentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics
AJALAsian Journal of Applied Linguistics
AJALAustralian Journal of Adult Learning
AJALAustralian Journal of Asian Law
AJAMSAcademic Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences
AJAMSAmerican Journal of Advances in Medical Science
AJAMSAmerican Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
AJAMSAsian Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
AJASAfrican Journal of Aquatic Science
AJASAmerican Journal of Applied Sciences

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