at cross-purposes

at cross-purposes

with opposing viewpoints; with goals that interfere with each other. We are arguing at cross-purposes. We aren't even discussing the same thing. Bill and Tom are working at cross-purposes. They'll never get the job done right.

at cross-purposes

if two people are at cross-purposes, they do not understand each other because they are trying to do or say different things but they do not know this I think we're talking at cross-purposes here. You mean the old building, but I was talking about the new one.

at cross-purposes

Pursuing conflicting or contrary goals, usually unintentionally: We're working at cross-purposes.

Common Names:

Aladdinə-LAD-in (English)Literature
Hyacinthus-Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Kamilakah-MI-lah (Czech, Slovak), kah-MEE-lah (Polish)Czech, Slovak, Polish