at first glance

at first glance

Upon first seeing or considering something. At first glance, I thought the house was great, but the inspector's list of problems changed my opinion. The contract did seem favorable at first glance, but I can see now that it would not have been beneficial.
See also: first, glance

at first glance

 and at first blush
when first examined; at an early stage. At first glance, the problem appeared quite simple. Later we learned just how complex it really was. He appeared quite healthy at first glance. At first blush, she appeared to be quite old.
See also: first, glance

at first glance

when first looked at At first glance the deal looked great, but after reading the contract I wasn't so sure. The twins seem, at first glance, very similar, but they're actually very different.
Related vocabulary: at first sight
See also: first, glance

at first glance/sight

if something or someone seems a particular way at first glance, they seem that way when you first look at them The system is more complicated than it appears at first glance.
See also: first, glance

at first glance

On initial consideration: At first glance the plan seemed unworkable.
See also: first, glance

Common Names:

Alexandros-Greek, Ancient Greek, Biblical Greek, Greek Mythology
CleophasKLEE-ə-fəs (English)Biblical