attune to

attune to

To reach a deep understanding of or an ideal relationship with someone or something. A noun can be used between "attune" and "to." It took some time, but I think I'm finally attuned to my baby's needs. We need to attune our business plan to the trends of the market.

attune (someone or something) to (someone or something else)

Fig. to bring someone or something into accord with someone or something else; to adjust someone or something to someone or something else. (Usually metaphorical. Not used for musical tuning.) You should try to attune yourself to our needs and direction. Try to attune your comments to the level of your audience.

attune to

To bring something or someone into some harmonious or responsive relationship with something else: Proper training will attune you to the fine details of a classical symphony. This industry is not attuned to the needs of the people who buy its products.

Common Names:

Saturninosah-toor-NEE-no (Spanish, Italian)Spanish, Italian, Portuguese