bare necessities

bare necessities

That which is absolutely essential, with nothing superfluous, extravagant, or unnecessary. All I'm looking for in a mobile phone is the bare necessities: the ability to make phone calls. They weren't kidding when they said the apartment only had the bare necessities: just a bed, a bathroom, and a stove!
See also: bare, necessity

bare necessities

Just sufficient resources, with nothing to spare. For example, The room was furnished with just the bare necessities-bed, table, chair. This idiom uses bare in the sense of "mere, and nothing else," a usage dating from about 1200.
See also: bare, necessity

Common Names:

GrÁInneGRAWN-yaIrish, Irish Mythology
Deziree-English (Rare)
SparrowSPAR-oEnglish (Rare)