be fed up to the back teeth

be fed up to the back teeth

slang To be bored or annoyed with a persistent issue. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. I'm fed up to the back teeth with this weather—will it ever stop raining? We're all fed up to the back teeth with your constant complaining, Marge!
See also: back, fed, teeth, up

be fed up/sick to the back teeth

  (British & Australian informal)
to be bored or angry because a bad situation has continued for too long or a subject has been discussed too much (often + with ) He's been treating me badly for two years and, basically, I'm fed up to the back teeth with it. (often + of ) You're probably sick to the back teeth of hearing about my problems!
See also: back, fed, teeth, up

Common Names:

Korneliakawr-NE-lee-ah (German), kawr-NEL-yah (Polish)German, Polish