be out in left field

be out in left field

To be or seem uncommon, unpopular, or otherwise strange. Well, that suggestion is certainly out in left field! How did you come up with that one? Sure, my aunt is really wacky and out in left field, but I love her!
See also: field, left, out

be out in left field

1. (American informal) to be completely wrong They're out in left field, blaming you for this fiasco.
2. (American informal) to be very strange or very different from other people or things She's kind of out in left field but she's fun.
See also: field, left, out

Common Names:

Anubisə-NOO-bis (English)Egyptian Mythology (Latinized)
Odysseuso-DIS-ee-əs (English)Greek Mythology
TrudiTROO-deeGerman, English