be over (someone or something)

be over (someone or something)

1. To no longer have strong emotions about someone or something; to be unenthusiastic about someone or something. I was really looking forward to learning about the inner workings of a computer, but it's actually so boring that I am really over it at this point! Everyone thinks Jack's boyfriend is so hilarious, but I'm so over him and his annoying jokes.
2. To accept, feel better about, move on from, or come to terms with something or some romantic relationship that has failed or turned out badly. John and Amy broke up nearly a month ago, but I don't think he's over her yet. It really bummed me out failing my driving test like that, but I'm over it now.

Common Names:

EithneETH-na, ET-na, EN-ya, EN-aIrish, Scottish
OrtwinAWRT-veen (German)German, Ancient Germanic
ReenieREE-neeEnglish (Rare)
Bartholomei-Old Church Slavic