carry a rope in (one's) pocket

carry a rope in (one's) pocket

To have very good luck when playing cards. The phrase alludes to a piece of a hangman's rope, which is supposed to be a good luck charm when playing cards. Did Alan win yet another game of poker? Man, he must carry a rope in his pocket—how else can you explain that luck?
See also: carry, pocket, rope

Common Names:

RaymundRAY-məndEnglish (Rare)
Enyo-Greek Mythology
GrÁInneGRAWN-yaIrish, Irish Mythology
Lavanya-Indian, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil
Josefinaho-se-FEE-nah (Spanish), zhoo-zə-FEE-nə (Portuguese), yoo-se-FEE-nah (Swedish)Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish