clear the decks

clear the decks

1. Lit. [for everyone] leave the deck of a ship and prepare for action. (A naval expression urging seaman to stow gear and prepare for battle or other action.) An attack is coming. Clear the decks.
2. Fig. get out of the way; get out of this area. Clear the decks! Here comes the teacher. Clear the decks and take your seats.
See also: clear, deck

clear the decks

to finish what you are doing in order to do something more important His company is clearing the decks to begin work on a major new product.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of clear the decks (prepare a ship to fight by putting away everything that is not necessary)
See also: clear, deck

clear the decks

to finish dealing with what you are doing so that you can start to do something more important
Usage notes: If navy officers clear the decks they prepare a ship for war.
His company is clearing the decks for major new investment in the Far East.
See out of the blue, steer clear of, be as clear as day
See also: clear, deck

clear the decks

Prepare for action, as in I've finished all these memos and cleared the decks for your project, or Clear the decks-here comes the coach. This expression originated in naval warfare, when it described preparing for battle by removing or fastening down all loose objects on the ship's decks. [Second half of 1800s]
See also: clear, deck

Common Names:

Thandiwe-Southern African, Xhosa
DouglasDUG-ləsScottish, English
Ba'alBAY-əl (English), BAYL (English)Near Eastern Mythology