come into own

come into one's (or its) own

to become independent; to be recognized as independent and capable, usually after much effort or time. Maria is coming into her own as a concert pianist.
See also: come, own

come into your/its own

to achieve success and respect By the time he was 25, Fox had come into his own as an international soloist.
See also: come, own

come into your/its own

to be very useful or successful in a particular situation Cars are banned from the city centre so a bicycle really comes into its own here. Ferragamo came into his own in last Sunday's match, scoring three goals in the first half.
See also: come, own

come into (one's) own

1. To get possession of what belongs to one.
2. To obtain rightful recognition or prosperity: a concert pianist who has at last come into his own.
See also: come, own

Common Names:

Gu&Eth;Fri&Eth;R-Ancient Scandinavian
Pancratius-Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Sima (2)-Indian, Hindi, Marathi