face with

face someone with something

to present evidence of something to someone. When I faced him with the evidence, he confessed immediately. The police faced Max with the witness's story. The CEO was faced with the problem of bringing the bankrupt firm back to profitability.
See also: face

face something with something

to install something on the surface of something. We faced the kitchen walls with yellow tile. The wall was faced with tile.
See also: face

face with

Confront, as in When he was faced with the evidence, he admitted it. [Late 1500s]
See also: face

face with

1. To cover the surface of something using a substance: The builders faced the front wall with marble. The facade was faced with terra cotta.
2. To force someone to confront or deal with something or someone. Used chiefly in the passive: When I'm faced with a problem, I ask my parents for advice.
See also: face

Common Names:

Lorenza-Italian, Spanish
AustenAWS-tənEnglish (Modern)