fall under

fall under someone or something

to drop down and end up beneath someone or something. The old man fell under the wheels of the truck, but he suffered only minor injuries. The child tripped and fell under Mrs. Rogers, who almost did not see her.
See also: fall

fall under

1. Be classified as, as in These scores fall under choral music. [Mid-1400s]
2. Be subject to, as in This precinct falls under the city's jurisdiction. [Second half of 1500s]
See also: fall

fall under

1. To be classified or considered as something, or to be represented by something: These animals fall under the classification "endangered species."
2. To be controlled or deeply swayed by something; be mesmerized: We fell under the magic spell of the singer's performance.
See also: fall

Common Names:

Emelrich-Ancient Germanic
Guiscardgees-KAHRMedieval French