feel in bones

feel something in one's bones

 and know something in one's bones
Fig. to sense something; to have an intuition about something. The train will be late. I feel it in my bones. I failed the test. I know it in my bones.
See also: bone, feel

feel something in your bones

to know something is true, although it cannot be proved I knew something terrible was going to happen - I could feel it in my bones.
See also: bone, feel

feel in (one's) bones

To have an intuition of.
See also: bone, feel

Common Names:

Yolandayo-LAHN-də (English)Spanish, English
ŚWiĘTopeŁKshvyen-TAW-pewkPolish (Archaic)
Muirne-Irish Mythology
HugoOO-go (Spanish), HYOO-go (English), HUY-kho (Dutch), HOO-go (German)Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, English, Dutch, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Ancient Germanic (