fly off

fly off

1. Lit. to take to flight quickly. The stork flew off before we got a good look at it. The little birds flew off and things were quiet again.
2. Fig. to leave in a hurry. Well, it's late. I must fly off. She flew off a while ago.
See also: fly, off

fly off

1. To fly away: After the gunshot, the birds flew off.
2. To depart and travel by flying: My parents flew off to Miami for the weekend.
3. To suddenly and expressively enter an excited, especially negative, emotional state: When the child was told to sit down, he flew off into a rage.
See also: fly, off

Common Names:

Iva (1)-Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian
DevanDEV-ənEnglish (Modern)
Ask-Norse Mythology