flying high

flying high

1. Fig. very successful in one's ambitions; in an important or powerful position. (Often with the implication that this is not the usual situation or will change.) The government is flying high just now, but wait until the budget is announced. He's flying high these days, but he comes from a very poor family.
2. Fig. in a state of euphoria. (From good news, success, or drugs.) Wow! Todd is really flying high. Did he discover a gold mine? Sally is flying high. What's she on?
See also: flying, high

flying high

1. doing very well All those companies were flying high at first, and next thing you knew they had all crashed to the ground.
2. to be very excited or happy He just heard that he got the scholarship and is really flying high.
See also: flying, high

Common Names:

GerulfGE-ruwlf (German)German, Ancient Germanic