get behind

get behind somebody/something

to encourage or help someone or something I can get behind a creative idea and fight for it.
Etymology: based on the idea of helping something move forward by pushing it from behind
See also: behind, get

get behind

1. See fall behind.
2. Support someone or something; also, help to promote someone or something. For example, We must find as many workers as we can to get behind the union.
3. Enjoy, appreciate, as in Norma just can't get behind ballet. [Slang; c. 1970]
See also: behind, get

get behind

1. To lend support to some cause or effort: It was easy to finish the project once the whole community got behind it.
2. To come to a position to the rear of or following something or someone: The child got behind the tree where no one could see him.
See also: behind, get

Common Names:

Arianaar-ee-AN-ə, ar-ee-AHN-əEnglish (Modern)
Ileanie-LEENEnglish (Rare)
WimVIM (Dutch), WIM (Dutch)Dutch, German