get with it

get with it

slang To understand or be knowledgeable of modern times, especially as relates to the contemporary trends, ideas, or fashions. (Usually said as a jocular or sarcastic imperative.) Get with it, John, nobody wears their hat like that anymore! Lots of couples live together before they're married, Grandpa. Get with it!
See also: get

get with it

1. Inf. to modernize one's attitudes and behavior. Get with it, Martin. Go out and buy some new clothes! You really have to get with it, Ernie.
2. Inf. to hurry up and get busy; to be more industrious with something, Get with it; we've got a lot to do. Let's get with it. There's a lot of work to be done.
See also: get

get with it

1. in. to modernize one’s attitudes and behavior. Get with it, Martin. Get real!
2. in. to hurry up and get busy; to be more industrious with something. Let’s get with it. There’s a lot of work to be done.
See also: get

Common Names:

Penuel-Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
GilesJIELZ, JIE-əlzEnglish