go hog wild

go hog wild

Rur. to behave wildly. Have a good time at the party, but don't go hog wild. The teacher cannot control a class that is going hog wild.
See also: hog, wild

go hog wild

  (American informal)
to become too excited and eager about something, often so that you do too much There's no need to go hog wild just because it's Sarah's birthday - she won't want such a fuss.
See also: hog, wild

go hog wild

Become crazy with excitement, as in The crowd went hog wild as soon as the band began to play. Why this expression should allude to the craziness of hogs is no longer known. [Colloquial; c. 1900]
See also: hog, wild

go hog wild

Become overly excited or enthusiastic. Why the hog should have been singled out remains a mystery, unless porcine greediness was somehow connected with an overwhelming desire for excitement. In any event, the phrase has now been overshadowed by “going ape-shit” (which raises even more intriguing simian speculation).
See also: hog, wild

Common Names:

SivSEEVSwedish, Norwegian, Danish, Norse Mythology
AshlynnASH-linEnglish (Modern)