go together

go together

1. Lit. [for two or more things] to look, sound, or taste good together. Do you think that this pink one and this purple one go together? Milk and grapefruit don't go together.
2. Fig. [for two people] to date each other regularly. Bob and Ann have been going together for months. Tom and Jane want to go together, but they live too far apart.
See also: together

go together

1. Be mutually suitable, appropriate, or harmonious, as in Pink and purple can go together well, or I don't think champagne and meatloaf go together. [c. 1600]
2. Date on a regular basis, keep company. For example, Are Bill and Ann still going together? [Late 1800s] Also see go steady; go with.
See also: together

go together

1. To be matched or suited, especially in appearance; belong together: Those socks don't go together; they're different colors. This belt goes together with my brown shoes.
2. To be associated: Drug abuse and crime often go together.
3. To have a romantic relationship: They've only been going together for three weeks, but it looks like they're in love.
See also: together

Common Names:

Varsha-Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil
Sigfrid (2)-Norwegian
Vaishnavi-Hinduism, Tamil, Indian, Telugu, Marathi
Ammon-Egyptian Mythology (Hellenized)