have a worm in (one's) tongue

have a worm in (one's) tongue

To be ornery, irritable, and prone to lashing out. Ever since my boyfriend lost his job, he's had a worm in his tongue and is not very pleasant to be around. Watch what you say around Uncle Ed—he has a worm in his tongue and gets angry at the slightest provocation.
See also: have, tongue, worm

Common Names:

SobiesŁAwasaw-bye-SWAH-vahPolish (Rare)
Fleuretteflə-RET (English)French (Rare), Dutch (Rare), English (Rare)
Kalystakə-LIS-təEnglish (Rare)
Evangelinaə-VAN-jə-lee-nə (English)Spanish, English
Teofilate-aw-FEE-lah (Polish)Italian, Polish