hit parade

hit parade

Any listing or inventory of the best or most popular persons or things in a given category. Anthony's bookshelves are a veritable hit parade of classic literature.
See also: hit, parade

hit parade

A listing of the most popular or best items or individuals of some kind, as in The library has a veritable hit parade of videos. This expression dates from the 1930s, when it was the name of a weekly radio show featuring the most popular songs as indicated by record sales.
See also: hit, parade

Common Names:

Aphrodisia-Ancient Greek
Odilon-French, Portuguese
Helenahe-LE-nah (German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Polish), hay-LAY-nah (Dutch), HE-le-nah (Finnish)German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Portuguese, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Finnish, Es