in the unlikely event (that) (something) happens

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in the unlikely event (that) (something) happens

If a very improbable outcome turns out to be the case. I wouldn't worry too much, but in the unlikely event that you lose your job, you can always come live with us for a while. In the unlikely event I win the lottery, the first thing I would do is travel to Jamaica.
See also: event, happen, unlikely

Common Names:

Medraut-Welsh Mythology, Arthurian Romance
Jehan-Medieval French
JuliaJOO-lee-ə (English), YOO-lee-ah (German, Swedish, Danish, Finnish), HOO-lyah (Spanish), YUWL-yah (Polish), YOO-lee-yah (Russian), YOO:-lee-ah (Ancient Roman)English, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Spanish, Polish, Finnish, Russian, Ukrainian, An
UrbanUWR-bahn (Polish), UR-bən (English)Danish, Swedish, German, Polish, Slovene, Biblical, History