just so

just so

1. in perfect order; neat and tidy. Her hair is always just so. Their front yard is just so.
2. Precisely right!; Quite right! (Usually Just so!) Bill: The letter should arrive tomorrow. Tom: Just so! Jane: We must always try our best. Martin: Just so!
See also: just

just so

very The salmon is just so beautifully pink when it's fresh. I love being in Europe because the way of life there is just so pleasant.
See also: just

just so

1. Precisely in that way, very carefully and appropriately, as in The children had to be dressed just so for their aunt's wedding. [Mid-1700s]
2. I agree, that is correct, as in The house was a mess.-Just so; I told her to clean the place up. [Mid-1700s]
3. See just as, def. 2.
4. See as long as, def. 3.
See also: just

Common Names:

Madelina-English (Rare)
Titianus-Ancient Roman
Djehutimose-Ancient Egyptian