keep powder dry

keep your powder dry

to be ready to do something if necessary We're not ready to start buying yet. We'll keep our powder dry until we think prices are as low as they'll go.
Etymology: from the idea that gunpowder (an explosive substance in the form of a powder) will not explode if it is wet
See also: dry, keep, powder

keep your powder dry

to be ready to take action if necessary All you have to do is keep your powder dry and await orders.
See also: dry, keep, powder

keep (one's) powder dry

To be ready for a challenge with little warning.
See also: dry, keep, powder

Common Names:

Radha-Hinduism, Indian, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, Marathi
MphatsoMPAH-tsoSouthern African, Chewa
Emilianae-mee-LYAH-nah (Italian, Spanish)Italian, Spanish, Portuguese