keep watch

keep (close) watch (over someone or something)

to guard or care for someone or something. I'm keeping watch over my children to make sure they have the things they need. I think that an angel is keeping close watch over her to make sure nothing bad happens to her.
See also: keep, watch

keep (close) watch (over someone or something)

to guard or care for someone or something. I'm keeping watch over my children to make sure they have the things they need. I think that an angel is keeping close watch over her to make sure nothing bad happens to her.
See also: keep, watch

keep watch

Also, keep a watch or close watch on ; watch over. Observe with continuous attention, especially to act as a sentinel or for protection. For example, Afraid that the wolves would return, she kept watch while the others slept, or They kept a close watch on the harbor, looking for signs of enemy ships, or, according to the Gospel of St. Luke (2:8): "And there were in the same country shepherds ... keeping watch over their flock by night." [Late 1300s] Also see keep an eye out for.
See also: keep, watch

Common Names:

EugenOI-gen (German)German, Romanian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian
Carina (1)kə-REEN-ə (English), kah-REE-nah (German)English, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Late Roman
Saturnus-Roman Mythology