kiss off

kiss off

1. Sl. to die. The cat is going to have to kiss off one of these days soon. The cat kissed off after eighteen years of joy and devotion.
2. Sl. death. (Usually kiss-off.) When the time comes for the kiss-off, I hope I'm asleep. The kiss-off came wrapped in lead, and it was instant.
3. Sl. the dismissal of someone or something. (Usually kiss-off.) The kiss-off was when I lost the Wilson contract. Pete got the kiss-off and is now looking for a new job.
See also: kiss, off

kiss someone off

Sl. to kill someone. Max kissed Lefty off with a small gun he carried in his boot. He kissed off Lefty with a small gun.
See also: kiss, off

kiss someone or something off

Fig. to dismiss someone or something lightly; to abandon or write off someone or something. I kissed off about $200 on that last deal. They kissed me off and that was the end of that job.
See also: kiss, off

kiss off

go away She finally decided to tell her boss to kiss off.
See also: kiss, off

kiss off somebody/something

(slang) also kiss somebody/something off
to get rid of someone or something The company plans to kiss off three thousand employees next month. If you raise prices, you'll just be kissing your customers off.
See also: kiss, off

kiss off

1. Dismiss or reject, as in He kissed off their offer. This usage alludes to kissing something goodbye [Slang; c. 1900]
2. Be forced to give up or regard as lost, as in You can kiss off that promotion. [Slang; late 1940s]
3. Get out, go away, as in She told the reporters to kiss off. [Slang; early 1990s]
See also: kiss, off

kiss off

v. Slang
1. To be forced to give something up or regard it as lost: After being late so much, he can kiss off that promotion. The producers can kiss that award off.
2. To leave or disappear from notice: The athlete got bad press by telling the reporters to kiss off.
See also: kiss, off

kiss off

n. the dismissal of someone or something. (Usually kiss-off.) The kiss-off was when I lost the Wilson contract. 2. n. death. (Usually kiss-off.) When the time comes for the kiss-off, I hope I’m asleep. 3. in. to die. The cat is going to have to kiss off one of these days soon.
See also: kiss, off

Common Names:

Gale (1)GAYLEnglish
LallieLAL-eeEnglish (Rare)