leak out

leak out

[for information] to become known unofficially. I hope that news of the new building does not leak out before the contract is signed. When the story leaked out, my telephone would not stop ringing.
See also: leak, out

leak out (of something)

[for a fluid] to seep out of something or some place. Some of the brake fluid leaked out of the car and made a spot on the driveway. Look under the car. Something's leaking out.
See also: leak, out

leak out

1. To flow out through some breach or flaw in a container; seep out: Water leaked out the crack in the pipe. As the air leaked out of the balloon, it got smaller and smaller.
2. To become known to the public through a breach of secrecy: We were supposed to keep the date a secret, but it leaked out.
3. To release secret information to the public through unofficial channels: A disgruntled worker leaked the scandalous information out to the reporter. Someone leaked out news of the fraudulent business deal to the newspapers.
See also: leak, out

Common Names:

Danyal-Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Turkish
ZÉPhyrine-French (Rare)
Dana (4)-Persian, Arabic