loaded for bear

loaded for bear

1. Inf. angry. He left here in a rage. He was really loaded for bear. When I got home from work, I was really loaded for bear. What a horrible day!
2. Inf. drunk. (An elaboration of loaded, which means "drunk.") By the end of the party, Bill was loaded for bear. The whole gang drank for an hour until they were loaded for bear.
See also: bear, loaded

loaded for bear

  (American informal)
ready and eager to deal with something that is going to be difficult Their team came out onto the field, loaded for bear, but our defense stopped them.
See also: bear, loaded

loaded for bear

Fully prepared for action; also, spoiling for a fight. For example, Bill tackled his new sales route loaded for bear, or When Martin was three hours late, his wife was loaded for bear. This term, dating from the mid-1800s, alludes to the heavy charge of powder or lead that hunters use for large animals like a bear.
See also: bear, loaded

loaded for bear

1. mod. alcohol intoxicated. He’s been drinking mule since dawn, and he’s loaded for bear.
2. mod. ready for the hardest problems. I’m loaded for bear, and that’s good because this is going to be a rough day.
3. mod. very angry. I had been loaded for bear when I came into the room, and I left as meek as a lamb.
See also: bear, loaded

Common Names:

CassiusKASH-əs (English), KAS-ee-əs (English)Ancient Roman, English
Melaniame-LAHN-yah (Polish)Italian, Spanish, Polish, Late Roman
Divya-Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam
FlorenceFLAWR-ənts (English), flo-RAWNS (French)English, French