make the dust fly

make the dust fly

Also, make the feathers or fur fly . Stir matters up, cause a commotion or disturbance. For example, When she saw the dog sleeping on her new bedspread, she really made the dust fly, or As soon as he learns who dented his car, he'll make the feathers fly, or She'd better not interfere or he'll make the fur fly. The first usage alludes to the results of a vigorous house-cleaning effort. The two variants, both dating from the early 1800s, allude to what happens when a hunting dog is set on a bird or rabbit.
See also: dust, fly, make

make the dust fly

To go about a task with great energy and speed.
See also: dust, fly, make

Common Names:

Haris (1)-Bosnian, Urdu, Arabic
GerulfGE-ruwlf (German)German, Ancient Germanic