make waves

make waves

Sl. to cause difficulty. (Often in the negative.) Just relax. Don't make waves. If you make waves too much around here, you won't last long.
See also: make, WAVES

make waves

to shock or upset people with something new or different Her clothes have made waves on the fashion scene around the world.
Usage notes: often used in the form not make waves: We decided not to make waves with our parents and agreed to have a real wedding.
Related vocabulary: don't rock the boat
See also: make, WAVES

make waves

to change an existing situation in a way which causes problems or upsets people Some workers felt it was not the time to make waves by organizing a union. Our culture encourages us to fit the norm and not to make waves.
See also: make, WAVES

make waves

Cause a disturbance or controversy, as in We've finally settled our differences, so please don't make waves. This expression alludes to causing turbulence in the water. [Slang; mid-1900s] Also see rock the boat.
See also: make, WAVES

make waves

tv. to cause difficulty. (Often in the negative.) If you make waves too much around here, you won’t last long.
See also: make, WAVES

make waves

To cause a disturbance or controversy.
See also: make, WAVES

Common Names:

Vohu Manah-Persian Mythology
Olympia-Greek, Slovak
EifionAYV-yon, IEV-yonWelsh