map out

map something out

to plot something out carefully, usually on paper. I have a good plan. I will map it out for you. I will map out the plan for you.
See also: map, out

map out something

also map something out
to decide in detail how something will be done She is mapping out lesson plans for teachers who work with below-average readers. When we mapped it out before we began this project, we thought we would be finished by now.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of map out (to use a map to plan a trip)
See also: map, out

map out

1. To plan something explicitly: Let's map out a way to accomplish this project. We mapped the trip out so we wouldn't get lost.
2. To incorporate or lay out some set of things into an explicit map, plan, or order: I've mapped out the beginning and end of each project on this timeline. The houses on these city blocks have been mapped out for demolition.
See also: map, out

Common Names:

Demokritos-Ancient Greek
Iuvenalis-Ancient Roman
Venyaminvye-nee-ah-MEEN, vee-nee-ah-MEENRussian