meat market

meat market

1. A typically public place where one goes to find potential sexual partners. Primarily heard in US. Our college's student bar is such a meat market on the weekends. It seems like everyone I know has hooked up with at least one person there. Everyone knows that the clubs on Leeson Street are just meat markets for single people.
2. A location where people are gathered, displayed, and appraised for their looks or abilities, akin to cattle being valued in a market. Primarily heard in US. These summer training camps are really just meat markets for college football recruiters to find the most promising up-and-coming players. The restaurant is an oddity, a meat market that only hires women for their large busts.
See also: market, meat

Common Names:

Lyudmilalyood-MEE-lah (Russian)Russian, Bulgarian, Medieval Slavic
Marquismahr-KEEAfrican American
Bernardinober-nahr-DEE-no (Italian, Spanish)Italian, Spanish, Portuguese