nose in

nose in (to something)

[for a boat or other vehicle] to move or be moved into something or some place carefully, nose first. The captain nosed into the channel, and our journey had begun. He nosed in and we sailed on.
See also: nose

nose in

Also, nose into.
1. Advance cautiously, front end first, as in We nosed the boat into her berth, or The car nosed in very slowly. [Mid-1900s]
2. Pry, snoop, as in He was nosing into our finances again. [First half of 1900s] Also see nose about; poke one's nose into.
See also: nose

Common Names:

Aleixoə-LAY-shoo (Portuguese), a-LAY-shaw (Galician)Portuguese, Galician
Inderpal-Indian (Sikh)
Krystine-English (Rare)