on sight

on sight

as soon as someone or something is seen The law now requires all pigeons in the area to be shot on sight. Even very young children can recognize certain words on sight.
See also: on, sight

on sight

Also, at sight. Immediately upon seeing, as in The soldiers threatened to shoot looters on sight, or He's able to multiply those three-digit figures at sight. [Second half of 1400s]
See also: on, sight

on sight

Immediately upon being seen: threatened to shoot looters on sight.
See also: on, sight

Common Names:

PhilippaFIL-i-pə (English), fi-LIP-ə (English)English (British), German
LucianLOO-shən (English)Romanian, English
Beatrizbe-ah-TREETH (Spanish), be-ah-TREES (Latin American Spanish), be-a-TREES (Portuguese), be-a-TREESH (Portuguese)Spanish, Portuguese
Xenokrates-Ancient Greek