on the strength of

on the strength of something

Fig. because of the support of something, such as a promise or evidence; due to something. On the strength of your comment, I decided to give John another chance. On the strength of my testimony, my case was dismissed.
See also: of, on, strength

on the strength of something

because of something that has influenced or persuaded you On the strength of last month's sales figures, we decided to expand our business. He was offered a teaching position on the strength of his experience in sales and marketing.
See also: of, on, strength

on the strength of something

1. if you do something on the strength of facts or advice, you do it because you are influenced by them On the strength of the projected sales figures, we decided to expand our business.
2. if you get a job or an opportunity on the strength of something you have done, you get it because what you did was good enough to persuade someone you deserve it He was accepted for the writing course on the strength of a few articles in his local paper.
See also: of, on, strength

on the strength of

On the basis of, as in She was hired on the strength of her computer skills. [Early 1600s]
See also: of, on, strength

on the strength of

On the basis of: She was hired on the strength of her computer skills.
See also: of, on, strength

Common Names:

Mathghamhain-Ancient Irish
Coreenkə-REENEnglish (Rare)
MiskaMEES-kah (Finnish)Hungarian, Finnish