out of control

*out of control

1. Lit. [of something, such as a machine] not responding to direction or instructions. (*Typically: be ~; go ~.) The computer is out of control and making funny-looking characters all over the screen. My CD player is out of control and only makes screeching noises.
2. and *out of hand Fig. acting wildly or violently. (*Typically: be ~; get ~.) Watch out, that dog is out of control. The kids got out of hand again.
See also: control, of, out

out of control

unable to be managed or limited The weeds in the garden are out of control.
See also: control, of, out

out of control

Also, out of hand. No longer under management, direction, or regulation; unmanageable or unruly. For example, Housing costs are out of control, or The children were getting out of hand again. The first term uses control in the sense of "restraint," a usage dating from the late 1500s; the variant uses hand in the sense of "power" or "authority," and dates from the late 1800s.
See also: control, of, out

Common Names:

Bipin-Indian, Marathi, Hindi
Abishaiə-BISH-ie (English)Biblical
IsidorEE-see-dawr (German)German, Russian, Macedonian
Ywain-Arthurian Romance