pad out

pad out

Sl. to go to bed or to sleep. Man, if I don't pad out by midnight, I'm a zombie. Why don't you people go home so I can pad out?
See also: out, pad

pad something out

Fig. to make something appear to be larger or longer by adding unnecessary material. lf we pad the costume out here, it will make the person who wears it look much plumper. Let's pad out this paragraph a little.
See also: out, pad

pad out

1. To line or stuff something with soft material to make it fuller, puffier, or fluffier: I padded the pillow out with extra down. If you don't like the shape of this coat, we can pad out the shoulders for a fuller look.
2. To lengthen or increase something, especially with something extraneous: The director padded out the movie with several extra scenes so that it would be 90 minutes long. The lazy student wrote a short report and padded it out with useless facts.
See also: out, pad

pad out

in. to go to bed or to sleep. (see also pad.) Man, if I don’t pad out by midnight, I’m a zombie.
See also: out, pad

Common Names:
