play hard to get

play hard to get

Fig. to be coy, intentionally shy, and fickle. (Usually refers to someone of the opposite sex.) Why can't we go out? Why do you play hard to get? Sally annoys all the boys because she plays hard to get.
See also: get, hard, play

play hard to get

to pretend that you are less interested than you really are Bill decided he would accept the job if it was offered rather than playing hard to get in the hope of being offered more money.
Usage notes: often said about romantic relationships: She said he was avoiding her, but maybe he was just playing hard to get.
See also: get, hard, play

play hard to get

to pretend that you are less interested in someone than you really are as a way of making them more interested in you, especially at the start of a romantic relationship (often in continuous tenses) Why don't you return any of his calls? Are you playing hard to get?
See also: get, hard, play

play hard to get

Pretend to be inaccessible or uninterested; act coy, especially with the opposite sex. For example, I know he has no appointments tomorrow; he's just playing hard to get, or Nicole is very popular, perhaps because she plays hard to get. [Mid-1900s]
See also: get, hard, play

play hard to get

To pretend to be uninterested in a romantic relationship.
See also: get, hard, play

Common Names:

RÍGhnach-Irish Mythology