put out

put out

to generate [lots of something]. What a great machine. It really puts out! The new laser printer really puts out!
See also: out, put

put out (about someone or something)

irritated; bothered. John behaved rudely at the party, and the hostess was quite put out. Liz was quite put out about the question.
See also: out, put

put someone out

to distress or inconvenience someone. I'd like to have a ride home, but not if it puts you out. Don't worry. It won't put out anybody.
See also: out, put

put something out

1. to emit something. The factory put a lot of fumes out. It put out nasty fumes.
2. to extinguish something on fire. He used flour to put the grease fire out. He put out the fire with flour.
3. to manufacture or produce something. That factory puts electrical supplies out. We put out some very fine products.
4. to publish something. When was this book put out? We put out both books last year.
See also: out, put

put somebody out

to annoy, upset, or inconvenience someone Would you be put out if we canceled our plans for dinner tomorrow? It always put him out when he was asked to wait while someone answered another call.
See also: out, put

put out something

also put something out
1. to make something, esp. information, publicly available The organization has put out an excellent report on the treatment of political prisoners around the world. We have to put the word out that we need several more sales representatives. He's already put out 28 albums, and more are on the way.
2. to stop something from burning or being used Put out that cigarette! I have to put out the lights before I go to bed. When you leave the campgrounds, be sure to put all fires out.
3. to spend money You have to put out a lot of money when you buy a house.
See also: out, put

put out

1. Extinguish, as in We put out the fire before we turned in. [Early 1500s]
2. Also, put to sea. Leave a port or harbor, as in They put out yesterday morning. [Late 1500s]
3. Publish, as in They put out a weekly newsletter. [Early 1500s]
4. Engage in sex. This usage is applied solely to women, as in She had a reputation for putting out. [ Vulgar slang; mid-1900s] Also see put one out.
See also: out, put

put out

1. To remove something from within some space or region; place something outside: The dog likes to put its head out the window. I put the cat out before we left. Don't forget to put out the garbage.
2. To extend something: I put out my hand, but the man refused to shake it. The doctor asked me to put my tongue out.
3. To place something on display; make something accessible or visible: Put some cups and spoons out so people can serve themselves. We put out fliers on the table.
4. To extinguish something: Put out that fire now, before it goes out of control. The principal told them to put the cigarettes out.
5. To expel someone or something from a premises: They had to put out the drunk. The guard put out the rowdy students.
6. To publish something or make it publicly available: Our club puts out a weekly newsletter. The president put a statement out explaining the company's annual report.
7. To inconvenience someone: Did our early arrival put you out? I hope you didn't put yourself out to get us those tickets.
8. To make someone unhappy through inconsiderate behavior: That comment about my mother really put me out.
9. To make an effort: They really put out for their team.
10. Nautical To leave, as a port or harbor; depart: The ship put out to sea.
11. Baseball To retire some runner: The pitcher put the runner out with a hard throw to first base. The shortstop put out the runner at second base.
12. Vulgar Slang To provide sex.
13. put out of To remove someone or something from participation in or engagement with something: The mistake put the team out of medal contention. Large retailers have put all the independent shops out of business.
See also: out, put

put (oneself) out

To make a considerable effort; go to trouble or expense.
See also: out, put

Common Names:

SigrÍ&Eth;R-Ancient Scandinavian
DamarisDAM-ə-ris (English)Biblical, Biblical Greek
Kahina-Northern African, Berber