ring hollow

ring hollow

also ring false
to seem dishonest, not true, or wrong The Rockets sounded like a defeated team - they talked of the possibility of a comeback, but the words rang hollow. Her characters and situations all ring false and her movie just seems painful and pointless.
Usage notes: often used in the forms a hollow ring or a false ring (a dishonest or not sincere quality): Her story about the hostages is certainly exciting, but it has a hollow ring.
Opposite of: ring true
See also: hollow, ring

ring/sound hollow

if something someone says rings hollow, it does not sound true or sincere The claims they made two years ago that peace was just around the corner ring very hollow now.
See beat hollow
See also: hollow, ring

Common Names:

Euthymia-Ancient Greek
KyllikkiKUYL-leek-kee (Finnish)Finnish, Finnish Mythology