saddle up

saddle up

1. Lit. to prepare one's horse for riding by putting a saddle on it. Let's saddle up and go for a ride.
2. Fig. to mount one's horse and sit in the saddle. The cowboys saddled up and took off after the rustlers.
See also: saddle, up

saddle up

1. To put a saddle on a horse: The cowboys saddled up and rode off.
2. To put a saddle on some animal: The cowboy saddled up three horses for the other riders. Some camels don't like it if you saddle them up at night.
See also: saddle, up

Common Names:

Heliodoroe-lyo-DHO-ro (Spanish)Spanish, Portuguese
Susilo-Indonesian, Javanese
EkkehardE-ke-hahrt (German)German, Ancient Germanic