sell off

sell something off

to sell all of something. We ended up with a large stock of out-of-style coats and we had to sell them all off at a loss. We sold off all the excess stock.
See also: off, sell

sell off

Get rid of by selling, often at reduced prices. For example, The jeweler was eager to sell off the last of the diamond rings. [c. 1700] Also see sell out, def. 1.
See also: off, sell

sell off

To get rid of something, especially investment assets, by selling: The company had to sell off some assets so that it could pay its debts. The bank foreclosed on my house and sold it off to the highest bidder.
See also: off, sell

Common Names:

Baldo-Italian, Spanish, Ancient Germanic
Phaidra-Greek Mythology
Violavie-O-lə (English), vee-O-lə (English), VIE-ə-lə (English), VYO-lah (Italian)English, Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
CerberusSUR-bə-rəs (English)Greek Mythology (Latinized)