shot in the arm

shot in the arm

1. Lit. an injection of medicine. The doctor administered the antidote to the poison by a shot in the arm.
2. Fig. a boost or act of encouragement. The pep talk was a real shot in the arm for all the guys. The good test grade was a shot in the arm for Gary.
3. Fig. a drink of liquor. I could use a little shot in the arm. How about a little shot in the arm, bartender?
See also: arm, shot

shot in the arm

1. n. a drink of liquor. I could use a little shot in the arm.
2. n. an injection of narcotics. (The same as bang in the arm.) You might say that I really needed this shot in the arm.
3. n. a boost or act of encouragement. The pep talk was a real shot in the arm for all the guys.
See also: arm, shot

shot in the arm

Something that boosts one's spirits.
See also: arm, shot

Common Names:

Roslindis-Ancient Germanic
Kleopas-Biblical Greek
SÁRaSAH:-rah (Czech)Hungarian, Czech, Slovak