silent as the dead

*silent as the dead

 and *silent as the grave
completely silent. (Has ominous connotations because of the reference to death. Usually used to promise someone that you will be silent and therefore not betray a secret. *Also: as ~.) I knew something was wrong as soon as I entered the classroom; everyone was silent as the dead. Jessica is as silent as the grave on the subject of her first marriage. If you tell me what Katy said about me, I promise to be as silent as the grave.
See also: dead, silent

Common Names:

Ambakoum-Biblical Greek
Patriciapə-TRISH-ə (English), pah-TREE-thyah (Spanish), pah-TREE-syah (Latin American Spanish), pah-TREE-tsee-ah (German)English, Spanish, German, Late Roman
Berko-Western African, Akan