the bigger they come, the harder they fall

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the bigger they come, the harder they fall

Those who are exceptionally large, powerful, or influential will have more to lose when they fail, and their failure will be all the more dramatic or spectacular because of it. Over 20 years, he created an iron-fisted dictatorship, but when the revolution came, he and the small few who controlled the country were summarily executed or driven into exile. Truly, the bigger they come, the harder they fall. That bully thinks he's untouchable, but the bigger they come, the harder they fall.
See also: big, fall, hard

Common Names:

Eukleides-Ancient Greek
AugustOW-guwst (German, Polish), AW-gəst (English)German, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Catalan, English
Ikenna-Western African, Igbo