the other side of the coin

the other side of the coin

a different and usually opposite idea about a situation Being a parent is such a huge responsibility, but the other side of the coin is that it is one of the most exciting and enjoyable things you can do.
Related vocabulary: two sides of the same coin
See also: coin, of, other, side

the other side of the coin

a different and usually opposite view of a situation that you have previously talked about The other side of the coin is that fewer working hours means less pay.
See also: coin, of, other, side

the other side of the coin

One of two differing or opposing views or sides.
See also: coin, of, other, side

Common Names:

Gahariet-Arthurian Romance
Ereshkigalay-RESH-kee-gahl, er-esh-KIG-ahlNear Eastern Mythology