under the influence

under the influence (of alcohol)

Euph. drunk; nearly drunk; affected by alcohol. She behaves quite rudely when under the influence of alcohol. Ed was stopped by a police officer for driving while under the influence.
See also: influence

under the influence

feeling the effect of alcohol or drugs Were you serious last night about wanting a baby or did you say it because you were under the influence? If you are caught driving under the influence, you can lose your license.
See also: influence

under the influence

if someone is under the influence, they are drunk Were you serious last night about wanting a baby or was it just because you were under the influence? Driving under the influence is a very serious offence.
See also: influence

under the influence

Impaired functioning owing to alcohol consumption, as in He was accused of driving under the influence. This expression, from legal jargon, is short for under the influence of intoxicating liquor and implies that one is not completely drunk. Since it is nearly always applied to drivers suspected or so accused, it has given rise to the police acronym DUI, for "driving under the influence." [Second half of 1800s]
See also: influence

under the influence

Intoxicated, especially with alcohol.
See also: influence

Common Names:
